Media Planner of the Month: Aideen Dunne, Account Manager, EssenceMediacom
How did you get into the advertising industry?
I studied International Business in University and as part of my degree I did an internship in the Marketing Department of Allianz. This is where I found my love for advertising and then pursed a career in EssenceMediacom once I graduated.
What is your proudest career highlight?
Being part of the planning & activation of many amazing Sky campaigns with Sky Glass and WNT being two of the main highlights.
What are your reasons for using news brands in your media plans?
Running campaigns in contextually relevant environments is always at the forefront of my planning. Newsbrands helps to reach our core Sky audience and is a brand we can trust so we love including them on our media plans in order to boost our campaign reach across national print titles/websites.
What’s your favourite ad campaign featured in news brands?
Having ran multiple formats & campaigns across newsbrands one campaign that stands out to me was for House of the Dragon S1 where we ran innovative print/digital such as paperbanding across the Sunday times, cover wraps on the Mirror & Sun complimented by really effective HPTO’s etc. These were so impactful!
What role does journalism play in your life?
Journalism helps me to stay in touch with the latest news stories and in particular I love sports journalism where I can read up on the latest highlights of games/match reports that happened over the weekend.
You’re a journalist for a day: what would you cover?
I’d love to cover a bit of drama within the Kardashians family or the Royal Family and be able to spill the goss.
How do you switch off from work?
I play intercounty Gaelic Football with Louth so every evening I pretty much head out to training/ gym which helps me switch off from work.
Who would be your 3 dream dinner party guest?
Alix Earle definitely! She seems like she’d be the life of any party. So interested in Kim Kardashians life so would love to get some inside scoop and then I’d add Kanye West to the mix for a bit of scandal.