Get Involved 2013

Get Involved is a local community initiative developed by NNI Local & Regional and the Regional Newspapers and Printers Association of Ireland (RNPAI). Through Get Involved local newspapers will lead and drive voluntary projects with the aim of enhancing pride within local communities all over Ireland.

Local newspapers are in a great position to co-ordinate voluntary projects and have communities’ best interests at heart. Once local newspapers have selected their chosen projects these projects will receive assistance from the local paper, including free advertising and coverage.

The projects start in early May and must be completed by the first week in August. A national competition will see projects compete against one another. Judging will commence in early August and will be completed by a panel chaired by the renowned architect and environmentalist Duncan Stewart. An awards ceremony will be held on Thursday September 12th 2013 in Áras an Uactaráin where president Michael D Higgins will announce the winners.

Find out more here.