
To satisfy on-going customer demands, changing reading habits and to serve readers on a multitude of platforms, Irish publishers continue to invest in new technologies and innovative delivery methods whilst maintaining investment in quality content.  Meanwhile, as with publishers across the world, they are developing paid-for offers in the digital environment

At a time when the Internet is too often characterised by free, unauthorised content, it is more important than ever that effective copyright protection and enforcement exists to allow publishers to continue to invest in providing professional news content on all platforms.

NewsBrands Ireland welcomes the adoption of the EU Copyright Directive, which modernises copyright law and provides a legal basis for publishers to negotiate with the platforms for use of their content.

In transposing the EU Copyright Directive into Irish law, the Irish Government should follow the example of other member states who, informed by international developments and competition authority investigations, have introduced provision for good faith negotiations, mediation and arbitration as part of their transposition.  If Irish publishers are to effectively exercise their rights in negotiations with platforms, similar mechanisms are needed here.