Marketing Sentiment Survey 2019
For the third year in a row MediaCom, The Irish Times and The Marketing Institute of Ireland came together to gauge the sentiment of the people who shape Irish Marketing budgets. The Marketing Sentiment Survey, conducted in January, is a timely measure of marketing decision –maker’s intentions expectations and areas of focus for marketing in the year ahead.
Liam Kavanagh, Managing Director at The Irish Times welcomed over 100 attendees across agencies, brands and media suppliers as they heard a snapshot of the results in The Alex Hotel on February 26th.
Hosted by Ian McGrath of Mediacom, the audience were presented with key results, including the fact that 45% of marketing decision makers plan to invest more on 2019, with only 10% planning to spend less.
With the results stating that 9/10 marketing decision makers agree that it is important to advertise with trusted media organisations, the morning featured a panel of industry experts, including Richard Molloy the Head of Marketing at Audi, Eoghan Crawford, Marketing Director at Mars and Lorraine Walsh, the Head of Marketing at Laya Healthcare, who discussed their own insights into the results for the year ahead, examined the research findings and responded to questions from the audience.