
NewsBrands Ireland has always maintained the view that privacy legislation is the wrong way to provide protection for the individual’s right to privacy and we vehemently opposed the Privacy Bill published in 2006.

The Irish Constitution (Article 40.3.1) provides an unspecified right to privacy whilst Article 8 of European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003, provides that everyone has the “right to respect for his privacy and family life, his home and his correspondence.”

All NewsBrands Ireland titles are members of the Press Council of Ireland and agree to abide by its Code of Practice. Principle 5 of The Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland relates to privacy and, in 2012, complaints relating to breaches of Principle 5 accounted for just 4.8% of complaints to the Press Council.

NewsBrands Ireland believe that these existing provisions effectively protect the individual’s right to privacy.